Friday, March 9, 2012



ExpressPCB is a science/CAD application which is quite simple to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional.

Our Free PCB software is a snap to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional.

Draw a Schematic
We recommend that you begin your project by drawing a schematic. While not required, it will save you time when designing your PCB.

Drawing a schematic with the ExpressSCH program is as easy as placing the components on the page and wiring the pins together.

The schematic can then be linked to your PCB file, so that the PCB knows what needs to be connected together.

Design the PC Board
Designing 2 or 4 layer boards using the ExpressPCB program is very simple. Start by inserting the component footprints, then drag them into position. Next, connect the pins by drawing the traces.

If you link your schematic file to the PCB, the ExpressPCB program will highlight the pins that should be wired together in blue. 

ExpressPCB software is fast because of its familiar user interface.

Best of all, its Free!

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